Albion British Comics Database Wiki
Sleeze Brothers

Andy Lanning is a Brtish comics writer and artist who is now primarily known for his work for America's Marvel Comics and DC Comics (notably on titles such as DC's Resurrection Man and Legion of Super-Heroes and Marvel's revamped Guardians of the Galaxy) mostly in partnership with writer Dan Abnett (though the duo, affectionately known as 'D'n'A', have since parted company). In British comics, he has worked on Death's Head II (with Abnett), Sleeze Brothers, Battletide, Digitek, Cyberspace 3000 and Codename: Genetix for Marvel UK and on Anderson, Psi-Division in the 1991 Judge Dredd Annual (also with Abnett). The 2014 movie version of Guardians of the Galaxy was primarily based on Abnett and Lanning's version of the team.
